Monday, January 13, 2014

Helped my husband work three horses today.  That is all we could get done before the rain started.  I did manage to take some pictures of him and the horses.  I took them with my phone.

I did get some pictures of my jewelry projects that I just finished.  Since it was raining I got them listed.

Well it's the start of a new work week, going to help my husband work some horses today.  Hopefully we can get it done before the rain starts.  I have four more projects completed for my Etsy store.  I will be posting pictures and links soon.  Thought for the day;  "Work at something your love, never work a day in your life".

Friday, January 10, 2014

Longest day ever!

Instead of rain or sunshine, we have days that are foggy and misty.  Working outside is possible but oh my gosh what a mess.

Great day for beading:-)